Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just My Cogitation

Enjoying the count down to 00:00 am
I am now
Remembering all the things
That has happened in 2008

Full of laugh, tears gone by on sadness and anger
Grab some fun, while I'm having some thought
About life, family, friends, and work
Not to forget my love life

Improved it when a new year come
Some of them are able to fulfill in
But I have to make some modifications for the failed ones

And here I am now
Sitting and watching "Ratatouille"
While fingers typing on the keypad
My mind deciding about some thoughts

I realize, 2009 has no different with other years
But when it begins, I know
That I'm gonna make a new hope, new wish, new move
For my new beginning of the year

I won't be late for my business meeting with the group, again!
(Which is 'my favorite but really a bad habit' lately, sigh)
I'm gonna love my life more than before, just because I believe
This is my only way to have a real delightful love of life
Full optimize on using organizer for my daily schedule
(Because I think -sadly- I've lost my priority)
And many other things that I can't mention here

Let's celebrate the new year
With smile on our face
Love in our heart
And a big hug

Wishing you a great 2009
With joy and happiness come
Every day, every time, every hour
Because I love to see that 'happily ever after' happens to everyone

If you want to see the rainbow
You have to see the rain first
It means you have to through the sadness
Before happiness comes to see you


ps: Revulsion, my Pontianak's friends, and grab PR 3 on today, are my first great gifts to welcoming this new year! Oh 4JJI, my dear God, I love to wait for another happy gifts from you for the whole year of 2009 ^_^


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hohoho met taon baru 2009 yap.semoga tahun 2009 membawa berkah yang lebih besar lagi dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan kita bisa lebih mensyukuri apa yang sudah kita dapatkan.

Amien...Amien...Amien...Ya Rabbal Allamien..

Anonymous said...

ups, mumpung masih taon 2008, nge-junk set mode on ahhhhh *ga boleh protes yap :D :P

Ulie Azhar on December 31, 2008 10:44 PM said...

Gyahahaha... Raja Ngejunk Mulai deh! :rofl:

Wishing a GREAT new year for you too, one of my musketeers! :hug:

Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw sekarang tinggal 40 menit lagi kita akan masuk ke tahun baru 2009...
selamat tahun baru ya mbak... semoga makin sukses ti tahun baru nanti... amiin...

Anonymous said...

detik-detik terakhir tahun 2008, selamat tahun baru kak... semoga asa dan harapannya ada di depan mata...

Anonymous said...

Met Tahun Baru 2009

Diana Yusuf on January 01, 2009 3:22 AM said...

wah aku gag bakal nyesel kalo dateng kesini pasti disuguhi ama poems yang indah....(***hayah, gag ngertibahasanya linggis sih***)

pulang dengan gag ngerti bahasa linggis.....hiks

Anonymous said...

wah mantaffffff sekali nih puisinya dapet bikin ndiri yah mba.....

met tahun baru yah.....

Ulie Azhar on January 01, 2009 4:19 AM said...

@ Indra Putu Achyar
Sama-sama, met tahun baru 2009 dan semoga kebahagiaan menemani kita sepanjang tahun yaa! ^^

@ Blogger Indonesia
Amien amien amien, ya Rabbal alamien :hug:

@ Ipanks
Raja ngejunk datang lagi gyahaha..

@ Harry Potter
Norak ah, blogmu juga kan isinya linggis molo ckikiki.. Dasar males komeng kamunya! :D

@ Harry Seenthing
Iya Har, bikin ndiri, sambil nonton kartun Ratatouille hihi.. Met taon baru yaa..

Anonymous said...

Hepi nyu yer...

Ulie Azhar on January 01, 2009 9:03 PM said...

Hepi nyu yer tuu, Ndungg.. ^^

Nyante Aza Lae on January 05, 2009 4:18 PM said...

copas aja deh...
Wishing you a great 2009
With joy and happiness come
Every day, every time, every hour
Because I love to see that 'happily ever after' happens to everyone

Met taun baru...

Anonymous said...

semoga 2009 ini akan lebih baik untuk kita semua ....

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

jabon on August 19, 2010 3:34 PM said...

by jabon

semohga akan menjadi lebih baik

Ulie Azhar on December 22, 2010 1:02 AM said...

And my bestest gift from Allah for 2009 is:

I found my soulmate (finally!) and so get married at Dec 13, 2009!

How awesome Allah, my dearest God.. He gave me too much!


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