Loving someone is a gift
From God for us to believe
That there's something much bigger and deeper
Than our existences
Loving someone is a gift
Because love can teach us
To see and make the love as a personal thing
Between you and me
Loving someone is a gift
Just because love has the grateful dan euphoria effects
When you know the one that you loved
Has the same feeling
At last, I wish, loving someone is a gift, still
When my love didn't turn to me back
Because it also teach me to be more tough and patient
So I can be a better person than before
Don't you think that loving someone is a gift too?
sekarang udah bisa ngomong cinta ya, hebat hehe
Wah hebat Ulie, sekarang sudah mulai masuk ke filsafat cinta.
Great post.
Gimana kabar papa?
wah...kamusku mana ya???
cari kamus dulu ah...
mana ya..??
wah ternyata.. I Love U Juga deh...
hehehehehe.. kghgkghkxixixixixi just kidding...
Met Tahun baru ya..?
mbak Ulie.....
itu artinya apa ya....
berat nih....
imen iya aja deh...
kamusssssssss.....diaman engkau...aku gag isa bacane....iki writing, but ur talk bout love...wedew...dah pinter nih akhir taon maenane lup yu lup yu an.....
A sweet post :) Makes you think about what you have in life...
Makes me want to hug my baby boy :)
Don't you think that loving someone is a gift too?
Iya betul..and a friend like you it's truly a gift from God..
betul baget
andai hati yang ada di kotak kemasan itu adalah permen, pasti dah kuhabisin lalu kuceritakan pada semua orang tentang lezatnya "permen -cinta"
@ulie : met tahun baru 2009 yaa.....
Love is always a gift (^_^)
Ulie, met menjelang tahun baru ya.. Saya sedang menikmati detik2 akhirnya niy.
Thank you for being a wonderful and friendly blogger friend of mine.
Love yu!
Met tahun baru ya Ulie. Semoga tahun ini kondisinya lebih baik
yupp...hadiah g slalu harus berupa materi...
btw dq bentar lgi mo ultah nih mbak?? apaan tuh kadonya..he..he
mmmm......seperti ada nuansa cinta disini.... buka dong kadonya, jadi penasaran pengen liat isinya
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