Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bandung's Indie Corner Part #6

INDIE CORNER Part #6Live performance by:SolffesThe DramaHopelandNaluriThey will be on stage at Tuesday, January 20th, 2009Start from 22.00 pm - till dropLocation: SCORE! Bandung @ CiWalkPresale tickets available at "Blaze Distro" or contact Agung (0817620887)Presale tickets: Rp. 20.000,-On the spot: Rp. 35.000,-See you there!Special event:DINNING OUTwill launch their new album @ SCORE! Bandungon January 27th, 2009Strictly NO weapons, drugs, putside drinks, shortand sandals, personal bodyguard or...
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Need A Foreclosure?

When I got this topic from the advertiser, I must admitted that I got so nervous just because I don't even know about what exactly a "foreclosure" is (blushing icon). So, what I've done at first was just searched what's the meaning of foreclosure at some online dictionary (giggle icon) and repeatedly think about it many times, and what I'm gonna write for this topic.I also opened and read the Free...
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nguprek Fitur Facebook Sambil Ngantuk

Gara-gara mata gak mo diajak kompromi (padahal badan udah capek banget!), akhirnya aku jadi nguprek fitur di Facebook deh hihi.. Mulai dari test IQ, numerologi, sampe dengan tes untuk Personality Profile. Iseng berat deh beneran hahaha... Udahlah, aku males berpanjang-panjang, soale hasil tesnya lumayan banyak sih. Ntar yg baca pada bete hiks.. Jadi aku langsung copyin hasilnya aja ya..Kadang-kadang...
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Indie Corner #5" - Bandung's First Event at 2009!

Indie lovers, you MUST see this one!Succeed with our last events"Indie Corner Part 1-4"which successfully warmed upBandung's Indie lovers on last year,now we bring you our new event that gonna rock you up! ^_^INDIE CORNER Part #5Live performance by:The Panas DalamRagaji Mesin Fake RastaD'Moonlight MantraThey will be on stage at Tuesday,...
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Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Dream of Mine (Versi Kangen)

Engkau hadir bagaikan mentari,Menyinari pekatnya jiwaku,Kau bangkitkan satu rasa yg membuatku terjaga,Tuk kembali raih harapanku yg hilang,Senyumanmu semangati hidupku,Sadarkan diriku dari imajiku,Kau tebarkan keteduhan lewat tatapan matamu,Kau tawarkan kejujuran cinta untukku,(reffrain)Tunggu aku di sana... Aku kan datang...Tunggu aku di sana... Aku bukan menghilang...Saat ini bukan menghilang, tak...
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Let's cool up your day and home!

Everyone hates hot air! Or, at least, that's what I think, because I'm the one who will raise fingers at the first time when someone ask about it. That's why I always turn on my fan while at home: when I'm sitting in front of my laptop (it has a desk fan to make it stay cool too), when I'm enjoying my relax time on the bed for reading or only for doing something silly like daydreaming, and you can...
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pengemudi Nekad

Seorang Polantas menghentikan mobil seorang pria yang ngebut dengan kecepatan tinggi menerobos lampu merah, dan bermaksud menilangnya.Polantas : "Selamat malam Pak. Tolong lihat SIM-nya".Pria : "Wah, nggak ada Pak. SIM saya sudah dicabut gara-gara terlalu sering ditilang".Polantas : (Menyeringai) "Oya? Kalau begitu, tolong perlihatkan STNK-nya".Pria : "Nggak punya Pak. Soalnya ini bukan mobil...
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