Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bolu Kukus

Udah lama pengen bikin bolu kukus atau bapao, tapi resepnya pada ilang semua hiks.. Akhirnya browsing lagi deh. Gugling sebentar, trus mampir ke sini deh, langsung aja komen minta ijin buat copas resepnya hehe.. Yuks ah, mari kita bikin cemilan! (secara favorit gw emang cemilan yg manis-manis gitu deh.. no wonder gw montok gini hiks..)

Ah, sutralah..

Bolu Kukus

200 g tepung terigu protein sedang/cap segitiga biru
4 butir telur
350 g gula pasir
400 ml air soda tanpa rasa/sprite
1 sdm cokelat bubuk
2 sdt cake emulsifier(SP/Ovalet/TBM)

¼ sdt pewarna cokelat/pasta cokelat
½ sdt garam halus
Paper cup/kertas minyak untuk alas cetakan

Cara Membuat:
1.Kocok telur, gula pasir dan garam hingga mengembang. Masukkan cake emulsifier, kocok lagi hingga benar-benar lembut dan kental.
2. Masukkan tepung terigu dan air soda, kocok dengan mixer kecepatan sedang hingga tercampur rata.
3. Ambil tiga sendok sayur adonan, tambahkan pewarna cokelat dan cokelat bubuk, aduk rata.
4. Siapkan cetakan bolu kukus yang telah dialas paper cup/kertas minyak. Tuang adonan putih ke dalam cetakan bolu kukus hingga hampir penuh. Masukkan setengah sendok makan adonan cokelat di atasnya. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
5. Kukus dengan api besar selama 20 menit atau hingga kue matang dan merekah di bagian atasnya. Angkat, dinginkan.

Untuk 25 Buah

Tips: Alasi tutup kukusan dengan serbet agar uap air tidak menetes. Untuk menambah aroma, campur 1/2 sdt vanila bubuk dalam tepung terigu. Mengukus harus dengan api besar dan jangan membuka kukusan sebelum kue mengembang sempurna/matang.

Bisa juga mampir ke sini kalo mau ngubek resep-resep lainnya. Daku sedang mencari cara supaya nggak boring di rumah hehe.. (pantesan ajaaaaaa gw makin montok! hiks)
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Ponakan Baru! Yippieeeee.....

Yiiii.. temen gw, namanya Wa Bob, punya baby euy! Kembar pula, cowok-cewek! Jadi pengeeeennnn hiks hiks hiks..

Ini fotonya si kembar, katanya sih belum dikasi nama:

Udah nggak sabar pengen nengokin, I just looooveeeeee babies! :adore:

Catatan pribadi: Kayanya yg sebelah kanan (yg rada gede badannya) itu cowok, keliatannya sih mirip ama bapaknya, Wa Bob, tapi yg satunya lebih mirip sama kakaknya yg nomer dua, si Kia hihihi..

#maap ya Bundaaaaa... hehehe...
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Friday, January 7, 2011

I am Cancer! (^_^)

I think this is a repost, but too lazy to check it hahaha...

Hi guys, long time no see! :P

Oh boy, I missed writing A LOT!!!

To be honest, I myself did not think this is a good posting, but since I still looking the "greget" to post again, so this is it.. I'm trying to build my mood, again and again, to posting something regularly on my blogs, and it becomes one of my resolutions for 2011. Hope I can fulfill the list, phew..

Okay, this list are just something I've kept from a long time ago, when I was a young girl and still looked for something that we call "self identity" hehe.. I don't have description for another zodiacs (I'm sorry), but for you who has the same zodiac as me, just enjoy it. I thought it describes myself mostly, how about you? Tell me your opinion! And don't worry, it's only and just for fun! (^_^)


Fun to be with.


Difficult to fathom and to be understood.

Quiet unless excited or tensed.

Takes pride in oneself.

Has reputation.

Easily consoled.


Concerned about people's feelings.




Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.

Moody and easily hurt.

Witty and sparkly.

Spazzy at times.

Not revengeful.

Forgiving but never forgets.

Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.

Guides others physically and mentally.

Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.

Caring and loving.

Treats others equally.

Strong sense of sympathy.

Wary and sharp.

Judges people through observations.


No difficulties in studying.

Loves to be alone.

Always broods about the past and the old friends.

Waits for friends.

Never looks for friends.

Not aggressive unless provoked.

Loves to be loved.

Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

Image source:
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